Saturday, October 25, 2008

D-Day 4 (Bus to Mumbai)

October 19th, 2008 - After a late night binge, we slept all the way in the morning and got up straight to have Lunch. Since Tanveer had missed eating in "Souza Lobo", we again went to the same eatery. We still had to figure out how to go back to Mumbai

When we planned this trip the options were bus or flight coz trains would be too late for booking, we kept debating on the bus/flight option. That's when the food was served and this time, it was a plateful, especially the Crab Curry. Parag and Tanveer could not stop their taste buds and dived right in. It seems something like this would cost a bomb back in Mumbai for half the quantity. Well, I was not in to sea food as my compatriots and took a morsel or two just to get a feel of it. Karan and I had finished our meal and while Parag and Tanveer where still figuring out the Crab, we walked out to find the options to travel back to Mumbai

It was damn hot outside with the sun right on our heads, we spotted a tours guy and he took us to his office, oh yea while we were at the restaurant we saw the flight options (on the cell phone) the same day were too pricey and so we had to settle for the bus, now it was not a question of "if" but "when". There was a chap at the tours office who said we could book a Paulo Volvo with sleeper + seating seats (all sleeper class buses were booked). He could manage 2 sleeper + 2 seats, we didn't negotiate and the tickets were booked, we were supposed to avail the Bus from either Panjim or Mapusa at 9:30 PM and the arrival at Mumbai was expected to be at 9:00 AM next day

With tickets booked, the only thing left to do in Goa was Shopping for some local sweets and accessories. We came back home, freshened up and went to the local market near Calangute Beach, we bought ourselves packets of cashew nuts, Karan got some liquor and Parag got some too. Parag also wanted to buy a sling bag (jhola) with the "OM" inscription but couldn't manage to find one. Ironically, every Firang seemed to have it.

It was almost time for dinner and so we landed at the same place from where we first started our trip, "Viva Goa". Ordered drinks and food and had filled our tummies for a long journey ahead of us to Mumbai. We officially bid good-bye to Goa.

With the shopping done, we headed to our pad one last time to pack and secure our luggage. Abhi, our host got a cab and we took off for Mapusa around 8:30 PM. We thanked the old lay before leaving and got her contact information for any future visits, this place is definitely on the Agenda for HKs

There was one embarrassing incident that happened just minutes before we checked out of the bungalow and I'm going to share this here coz looking back Karan and I are going to have a hearty laugh. So I was in my underpants and prancing around in the room putting stuff together and Karan was sitting in the bed watching TV. Suddenly, the door bell rang (the door was not locked) and I had feeling that this not Parag or Tanveer coz I dont remember when they last exercised their courtesies before entering a fellow HKs room (that is true for every HK) and so I had to act quickly to save my modesty. The door bell rang again and this time Karan started getting up to open the door and I still couldn't find a piece of loin to cover myself and finally I did, it just about covered my crotch and when the door opened, the old lady was standing there smiling right back at us. Both my hands were holding the towel tight and I smiled back flabbergasted at my situation. She had just come to say good-bye, phew

We reached Mapusa Bus Stop at 9:00 PM and started enquiring about the Bus and found out that it was delayed by an hour. Another transit fiasco, I was starting to get used to it. Besides, I knew I will not be able to sleep in a moving bus, seated or sleeping. The Bus arrived, a Paulo Volvo and we got our seats as booked. It was intelligent to have food before leaving coz I realized during the course of the journey, that the bus stops technically at 1 stop (Khed) only for loo break with no arrangements for refreshments whatsoever.

It was my longest road trip ever and honestly it was anything but pleasant. The route (I don't know how the Govt. claims it's a National Highway) NH17 runs through rough ghats and slopes and there was atleast 3 instances when our bus screeched/stopped and avoiding going over the cliff or ramming a vehicle coming from the opposite direction. Suddenly I thought the F1 drivers were less risky in their sport having watched them in action. Also funny was the fact that except Tanveer and me everybody onboard was sleeping tight, like their mothers had just tucked them in bed after reading a poem. Anyways, the credit has to be given where it is due, the drivers (yea they change in Khed) brought us home on the exact time (in Vashi) they had anticipated despite leaving late in Goa

We bid good-bye to Karan and Tanveer in the bus and headed straight to a restaurant, "Kshir Sagar" in Vashi to have b'fast. I was completely famished not having eaten for 13 Hours. Parag and I digged in to some Dosa (finally) and then headed to my house. Parag's car was parked there, he put his luggage in the boot and was ready for another road trip all the way to Pune. Man...good wisdom he was planning to take an Off, same for Karan. I was not so lucky and ended up in the office Monday evening

Well, with that comes an end to this Sojourn, hope you had a good time reading this as much as I had writing this. This trip will definitely be etched very deep in HKs QBR books and will be remembered for a long time to come. Despite last minute dropouts, the remaining HKs made sure the HK spirit stays alive and I'm glad I was a part of it also making my debut to Goa. Yeta (Konkani for "Will come again")

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